West Coast Swing Dance:


Beyond the Basics and Series Classes:

​​Offered for dancers who are ready for more than the beginner lesson. Sign up for Series classes at the beginning of each month. Beyond the Basics classes are offered during months where there is no Series class. 

Find out more by checking out our Lessons and Series Classes page. 

Private Lessons:

If you are interested in taking private lessons, please email us at swingdevilspalouse@gmail.com.  

Learn more here:                           

Second and Fourth Friday West Coast Swing 

WHEN: Every Second and Fourth Friday of the month.
             Beyond the Basics lesson from 6:15 pm - 7pm
             Beginner lesson from 7 pm - 8 pm 
             Dancing from 8 pm - 10 pm
WHERE: Moscow Moose Lodge - 210 N Main St, Moscow ID
PRICE: $5 for members, $7 for non-members

WHEN: Every Thursday in June and July. Drop in lesson begins at 7 pm, dancing starts at 8 pm

WHERE: Moscow Moose Lodge, 210 N Main St, Moscow, ID 

PRICE: Free, but happily accepting donations!
LIVE BAND PRICE: No live bands during Thursday night lite.

MUSIC: Vintage Swing Jazz, Blues, and Modern swing music is DJed by a local dancer every week.

TWO LEFT FEET? No problem. Every week a drop in practice session is offered, and we will teach you the basics. Better yet: no partner necessary! 

Thursday Night lite

Vintage Swing DAncing